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Here's How ChatGPT Will Revolutionize Web Development & SEO

January 24, 2023

Everything You Need to Know About ChatGPT & its Impact on Web Development & Digital Marketing

On November 30, 2022, OpenAI announced the release of their latest artificial intelligence project, ChatGPT. While most of the world has given infinite praise to this new tool, many digital marketers are now curious about what this means for creating content.


Can this tool create an entire website in just a few minutes? Can ChatGPT actually write SEO-friendly content in a click of a button? Is the job security of content writers and digital marketers now at risk?


This blog post aims to dive into the deep end so we can give you a better understanding of what kind of impact ChatGPT will have on the digital marketing landscape.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a conversation-based artificial intelligence tool that allows for a user to input a prompt to start the conversation, and provide follow-up questions to further refine the results the tool provides. Below is a direct quote from the creators about what this tool can really do from a more technical standpoint.

We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.  — OpenAI

The best way to view this new tool is that ChatGPT is your new writing companion. It's there to help spark new ideas when you hit a writers block. It'll help you brainstorm new content for that blog post you need to write. ChatGPT is Clippy, but better.

However, can this tool go beyond just being an assistant? Can ChatGPT actually write an entire blog post for you? What about an entire website?

Can ChatGPT Write an Entire Blog Post or Website? 

The short answer to this question is, yes, ChatGPT can absolutely write an entire blog post or website. As mentioned before, the tool is conversation-based, meaning you continuously give it more prompts to refine the final output, and what can come from it is a result that is incredibly specific to the topic of your choosing.


Some people have already pushed this tool to the limits by asking ChatGPT to write content for an entire website which took them a relatively short amount of time to complete. Others have used this tool to create entire SEO-friendly blog posts that have been deemed to "end SEO and Google as we know it..." 

What Impact Will ChatGPT Have on SEO?

With the incredible promise that this tool brings, one can only imagine what kind of an impact ChatGPT will have on SEO. As mentioned before, some marketers believe that this will be the end of SEO on Google as we know it and we'll be seeing a new algorithm change from Google sooner than we expected.


With all of that in mind, this is what we believe the impact ChatGPT will have on SEO.

There might be a lot more unoriginal & robotic-sounding content across the web.

When people try this tool for the first time, their first instincts will likely be that this is the silver bullet that they've been looking for that will automate their content-writing process. If content writers take this sentiment to heart, we can potentially see a lot more unoriginal content in blog posts that sounds like it was written by a robot; That's because it ultimately was.

This can be our beginning of entering the uncanny valley of content writing where the blog seems normal, but the human touch has been lost.

Users might run into partially false information (if content writers are not careful)

While ChatGPT may seem like a simple type, click, copy and paste job for any blog post you are writing, you need to be reasonably cautious about the information it provides. At the end of the day, ChatGPT is a machine, and even though it does a good job at providing a baseline overview of the topic you inputted, there's a good chance the information is not 100% true.


This is not an accusation that ChatGPT actively outputs fake information, we're pointing out the reality of the tool's limitations. Even tough it gets better at thinking like a human as the machine learning algorithm feeds it more information, it still can only make assumptions about what the answer to our prompts are.


So, if marketers see this as the one and done solution for content writing and fully rely on the results without any sort of proofreading and adjusting, there's a chance they'll be publishing partially false information.

How Should Marketers & Copywriters Use ChatGPT? 

While ChatGPT may not be the one and done solution for your copywriting and website building needs, this tool still holds great promise, and we believe there are great ways it can be used in the digital marketing space.

  • Brainstorm ideas for blog posts using a recommendations query
  • Create the content framework of a blog post or a webpage
  • Get inspiration for article titles
  • Generate hashtag and caption ideas for social media posts
  • Fill copywriting gaps when you have writers block

While we expressed our concerns over how this tool will be used, ChatGPT holds a lot of promise for how it will impact the digital marketing landscape in the very near future. Of course, we encourage our readers to try the tool for themselves and experience its capabilities at face value to see if it makes sense for your business to use this tool.


In the meantime, if you're looking for an awesome team of human copywriters to create your marketing content, PS Digital has what you are looking for! Reach out to us with the contact form below to speak with our marketing specialists!

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