This can mean a lot of things. Here is how to humanize your brand.
• Introduce your staff to your customers.
Show off real pictures of your staff and give your potential customers more information about them. You can also how off their day-to-day activities at your office or business.
• Show how funny and relatable your employees are.
Show that your employees aren’t just cookie-cutter, but unique people who are relatable to your customers.
• Use your employees to promote your brand.
Have them use things such as social media to help promote your brand and bring in more customers.
• Hire a social media manager.
This should be a creative person who will is a good listener, easily able to be engaged, and able to react to criticisms.
• Personalize any automated aspects of your marketing.
Refer to your customers by name or by using the word “you”.
• Send products or letters to new customers.
This helps customers feel like they are part of your brand’s “family”.
• Write blog posts that show off your personality.
Rather than dull, generic blog posts, add emotion and humor to your posts.
• Don’t focus mostly on your successes.
It will be interesting to your audience to see your failures and how you overcame them as well as your successes.
These are just a few ways that you can seem humane to your customers. With this, you can make your brand more compelling to potential customers.